Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Here's a Great Article to Pass Onto Your Clients

After the fall of Bernie Madoff, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers and all the others that have gone belly up, it has become blatantly obvious that you need to be extremely careful from you accept advice.

I hope that when are in need of advice regarding mortgages and loans that you think of me. I don't offer other financial advice and I stay weary of recommending other professionals unless they have proven their worthiness over time.

With that in mind, I want to recommend an article. There are literally thousands of financial advisors. Most are behind the scenes business people. But lately, a number of supposed financial gurus have infiltrated the popular media. Is their advice any better than your own local banker, mortgage broker or financial advisor? Probably not.

Which of these mainstream "gurus" are the worst of the bunch? Take a look here:

-Ron Borg