Friday, February 8, 2008

A Mortgage Assessment Letter For Your Clients

So, a referred home buyer called me yesterday. I found out she has gone through 2 pre-quals already. So I'm wondering why she's still calling around and asked her point blank. She said, "Well, the others told me what I should be shopping for but I'm still feeling confused."

I asked if it would if she received something with everything written out... seeing it in black and white... would that help you?

She said "Absolutely!"

So I created this letter for people like that but truthfully, I think you should use this letter after every consultation you do. It really looks like a lot of thought and effort was put into it your consultation and once your client receives it, it should pretty much close the door on competitors.

I am also recommend sending a home-buyers handbook... that should ice the deal. Take a look at the letter... notice that a lot of it stays the same from letter to letter...only stuff under "Our Assessment" gets changed... maybe 15 - 30 minutes per client.

I definitely think it's worth it, don't you?

Download the letter here: Assesment Letter.doc
Just click on the free version... download it from there. It's a Word doc so you can edit it to your heart's content.

If you have a Google account, you can get it here:

Listen... this letter will work wonders for your clients that you have not established a track record with. trust me... it's extra work but it will be worth it!

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